Via six concise classes full of insights, craft tools, and guided prompts, you’ll establish the following:
the primary and expanded idea that will drive your novel from beginning to end;
character in a way that actually enables you to create rich, full characters your readers identify with;
setting so vivid it actually becomes (like) a character;
the point of view and voice that draw readers in;
an event ladder (not an outline for all you outline-haters out there) to guide you through each post and create what is essentially a book-in-parts; and
guidance for your first post/chapter.
Here’s the truth: The more you plan, the better your writing will be, and the better your writing will be, the more readers you’ll attract and the more fun you’ll have. Joyce Carol Oates was once asked if she just starts writing and sees where it will go, to which she responded, “That’s a terrible idea.” Pre-writing is key.
Here, you’ll pre-write (or re-focus) your novel and prepare yourself mentally an…