The Notes algorithm is always changing. At the end of each month, I update you on what’s going viral and getting traction right now.
▪️ Treat these as prompts and make them your own.
▪️ Notes is just part of your job as your Substack’s publicist. We play four roles: writer, editor, publicist, and publisher.
⚪️ Share what’s coming on your Substack in 2025.
⚪️ Tell a story.
Make sure there’s a surprise at the end (or at least somewhere).
⚪️ Quote someone else but make sure it’s a quote that actually means something to you and relates to your Substack.
(No Bartlett’s—and please don’t quote Nietzsche unless you’ve actually read him)
⚪️ Use a photo in an ironic and delightfully funny way.
⚪️ Illness. Not sure why but we like to hear about people coming down with illness, battling illness, and recovering from illness.
⚪️ Be funny (please).
⚪️ FORMATTING: Use white space to slow scrolling readers down (think like a poet).
⚪️ Thoughtfully explain something to us without being pedantic.
(And bold what you want us to pay attention to!)
⚪️ Take a photo of text you want us to read.
⚪️ Post a stunning photo that needs no explanation.
⚪️ Write a quote or thought that means a lot to you on a sticky note or piece of paper, take a photo, post the photo.
⚪️ Share your latest Substack milestone. If you hate milestone posts, lightly poke at milestone posts.
⚪️ Share a photo of your workspace and why it’s amazing.
⚪️ Mark milestones, even if they’re supposedly small, i.e., you’ve been on here 12 hours.
⚪️ Share something you’ve accomplished late in life or never expected to accomplish.
⚪️ Try to find your people.
⚪️ Share your “flaws” that aren’t flaws.
⚪️ If you draw, post your drawings/art.
⚪️ What do you need to hear today? What encouragement do you need? Tell us/encourage us with it on Notes.
⚪️ Pet pictures, pet pictures, pet pictures.
⚪️ FORMATTING: TEXT ONLY—use bullets and bolding
If you have ideas for Notes or have a sense for what’s going viral, share below!
I'll turn this into a game and use all the prompt suggestions here. I might be talking to no one, but I can still have fun while doing it 🤪
Thanks, Sarah!
I had two notes that went viral. One was “what I wish we had been taught at school” which is still going over 3 weeks later and I’m about to write a post on it
And the other is things I thought would make me happy vs what actually does
Both were completely unexpected but have prompted such interesting discussions. I hope this helps anyone looking for a viral note format ❤️